In 2020 we had to reduce our presence in the water due to the aftermath of COVID and all the commitments that have been postponed due to this. Because of this we were in the water less this year. We were able to survey 6 stations 8 times for a total of 48 surveys. We added numerous articles about our project that you can read on our website North Central Divers. Plus numerous social media posts with many photos about our project on our Facebook page.

The most decisive thing in 2020 is that we were able to purchase a data logger with self-financing to measure the dissolved oxygen of the PME which, starting from the August measurements, allows us to detect this parameter in a precise way. We also purchased some low-cost aquarium instruments to measure the conductivity and PH of the water.

Last year, 2021 was the worst of the years spent on our PB project due to the COVID implications and commitments to other activities. This year we only dove a few days for a total of 24 surveys. On the other hand, at the end of the year we replaced all our old markers that had been in the water since 2013 with new ones (using a standard Secchi disc).

We have also installed two new stations (# 7 and # 8) in the northern part of the lake at the end of 2021. These stations were just included into the PB database this year.