how to get involved?

By contributing to Project Baseline, you are joining a global team of concerned and invested citizens who share underwater observations, normally inaccessible to the public, with divers and non-divers alike. We welcome volunteer participation from all divers whether you’re an advanced technical diver, a beginning scuba diver, a free diver, or a snorkeler.
Engagement Steps
There are a variety of ways to get involved with Project Baseline. Here are five simple engagement steps anyone can use as focus to begin their journey of conservation and help protect, preserve, and restore our precious underwater ecosystems.
Choose to get involved then choose where you want to contribute.
Engage with your community. Learn about the threats to your environment. Tailor your efforts accordingly. Build a team of divers to define baselines for your environment.
Identify the research, management, and/or conservation efforts underway in your environment. Help them achieve their objectives.
Speak up for your environment. Engage with your community and your legislators to advocate for the protection of your environment.
How to Record Data
At the most basic level, we ask our volunteers to perform six simple tasks while they go about their regular diving activities. Knowing these actions prior to your dive will ensure the data you collect can be easily uploaded to the Project Baseline database.

1. Take pictures of the underwater environment they’re exploring.

2. Keep the focus of the pictures on identifiable features – as opposed to their friends or their gear.

3. Make the pictures as reproducible as possible – the overall goal being to record change through time.

4. Record the location of the site they’re documenting – using GPS, Google Earth, charts, etc.

5. Record the temperature and visibility too if practicable.

6. Send the pictures and observations to us so we can add them to our database.
Ready to Get Involved?
We hope getting involved will inspire you to do more, and for those who do, we’re here to help.
How to Submit Data?
There are three (3) ways to submit data to the Project Baseline database. You can submit data for existing projects, you can submit data for projects that are not currently hosted (ad-hoc) in the database, and you can submit data via email.