

Project Area Name: Lake Maggiore

Project Manager Name: Romano Rampazzo

Contact: 7gradi (at) settegradidivers (dot) eu

Area Website:

Area Social Media: Lake Maggiore YouTube Playlist


Lake Maggiore, together with Garda and Como lakes, is one of the three biggest lakes in northern Italy. The average altitude is 193.5m above the sea at this level the area is 220 square km; 80% in Italy and the remaining 20% in Switzerland.  The perimeter is 170 km, and the maximal length 57km. The average water volume is 37,5 billions of m3. The estimated time of a complete renewal of the water is 4 years. The maximum depth is 370m, 176m of them are under the sea level. The lead of this baseline is Settegradi Divers Association (

Collaboration: ARPA - Varese

Ultimately, our team's connection with "macrophytes" sampling will be in collaboration with ARPA (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) - Varese. This is our local district delegation of the regional agency (Lombardia region) a public agency whose mission activities and services are addressed to support all choices of environmental policy of Lombardy Region, its districts, its counties, and all other public agencies of the territory.


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