Our Project is focused on long-term documentation of the environment in the Baltic Sea. We will make measurements of the visibility, temperature and document the area using still photography and video. The "baseline" area is close to a popular wreck. In addition we will follow the impact of the ferries that pass the wreck close by. The station area is located near Yttre Körsö. Near Mariehamn on the Åland Island. The Latitude and Longitude are 60.041661, 19.896577. We will create transects that we will document from the surface down to about 15 m. The Baltic Sea suffers from a number of environmental threats. There is a lot of activities and research going on in the Baltic Sea. All activities that promotes the public awareness about the Baltic sea can lead to environmentally positive impacts. The Aland Project Baseline site is located relatively close to Mariehamn and near the waterway. Mariehamn is the only larger town in the Aland archipelago. With its location between the capitals in Sweden and Finland the waterways through the Aland archipelago are heavily trafficked with large ferries. On the North West side of Yttre Korso the flat rocks slopes from the surface down to about 10m were the slope gets steeper. On 5 to 7 meters the rocks have pockets of sand were the common Eel grass grows. At about 15 meters the rock meets a sand/mud bottom that gently slopes down to 35-40 m.
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