Annaba's Artificial Reef II


Project Name: Annaba's Artificial Reef II

Country: Algeria

Project Manager: Dr. Emir Berkane

Contact: info (at) carnetsdexploration (dot) com



The artificial reefs of the Cape of Guard of Annaba are the first artificial reefs authorized by the Algerian government.
They were immersed on 06 May 2016 by the NGO Hippone Sub, member of the Algerian network for the protection of biodiversity PROBIOM.

The objective of these reefs is to popularize these devices and to inform on the importance of multiplying this type of initiative on Algerian coastlines, struck by a demographic development on the coastal cities that put pressure on the coast and thus on the biodiversity (Plastic wastes, industrial pollution, river pollution). The follow-up during one year gave rise to the first Algerian documentary film 'The Houses of the Sea' by director Hamza Mendil. At the end of this first year a second module was installed. This second model will be followed by the baseline project HOFFMAN II. Our partners for all these projects are the Ministries of Environment and Fisheries, and the Department of Underwater Biology of the University of Annaba. Our team is currently working on immersing train wagons (railcars), reformed and decontaminated in 2018. Just like what was done with the New York subway trains. Cap De Garde is the Cape situated on the north of Annaba city, Main city eastern Algeria Artificial Reefs Program, initiated by Hippone Sub diving center was lunched on May 2016.


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